1994, Congress passed a bill declaring the week before Father’s day as Men’s Health Week. To honor the men & families of Wayne County, Wayne County Hospital wants to raise awareness and encourage men to practice healthy life decisions such as exercise, eating healthy, and have regular health screenings.
“There is a silent health crisis in America...it’s that fact that, on average, American men live sicker and die younger than American women.” Dr. David Gremillion, Men’s Health Network.
Most of the factors that contribute to men’s shorter, less healthy lives are PREVENTABLE. And that prevention starts with seeing a healthcare provider on a regular basis. Women are 100% more likely to visit the doctor for annual examinations and preventive services than men.
Recommendations for Men’s Health Regardless of Age:
1. Avoid tobacco and non-prescriptive drugs
2. Avoid risky behaviors: wear seatbelts, helmets, don’t text while driving
3. Have cholesterol & triglyceride testing every 5 years
4. Bone Health / Density Checks
5. Talk to your provider on screening frequency for diabetes, thyroid disease, liver problems, anemia, & high blood pressure
6. Avoid excessive sun exposure. Depending on risk factors, screen for skin cancer, sexually transmitted disease and HIV infection, and alcohol and drug misuse
7. Don’t be ashamed to talk with your provider about ED issues
8. Keep immunizations / vaccinations up to date
9. Learn what works for you to decrease stress & don’t be a workaholic
10. Laugh and have a sense of humor